Product review: Tom Bihn Convertible Packing Cube

Back when I was younger, my mom shared with me a story of how a guest at a dinner honoring Christopher Columbus questioned whether Columbus should be considered great for discovering America. After all, the guest questioned, anyone could’ve set sail and eventually discovered land. In response, Columbus challenged this guest to try to stand …

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Reusable Handi Wipes

These days when you think of “handy wipes,” you think of moist pop-up sheets. In fact, you can get these moist towelettes in a variety of forms and prices. Baby wipes, cosmetic facial wipes, toilet wipes… scented, unscented, flushable, nonflushable… in plastic tubs, stackable plastic bricks, small pocket pouches… the list goes on. They are …

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Shampoo Sheets

Are you trying to minimize the amount of liquids you pack in your carry-on? Do you tend to use the little bottles of hotel shampoo, but periodically find yourself staying at a budget motel that only provides bars of soap? One alternative is Travelon’s Shampoo Sheets. If you’re familiar with dissolving soap sheets, these Shampoo …

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A Perfect Spritzer

A quick note: Earlier today, I sent an e-mail about reactivating this site to the 1000+ readers who’d subscribed to my Yahoo Groups announcement list over the years. I was kind of steeling myself for a bunch of unsubscription requests and negative feedback, but I was pleasantly surprised to receive a number of messages thanking …

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